Facebook youtube tiktokyorktimes
TikTok, YouTube and Facebook Want to Appear Trustworthy …
Opinion | TikTok, YouTube and Facebook Want to Appear Trustworthy. Don’t Be Fooled. – The New York Times
8. aug. 2021 — Platforms like Facebook, YouTube and TikTok have good reasons to withhold more complete forms of transparency. More and more internet …
Beware Silicon Valley’s latest trend: fake transparency.
Facebook Wants to Court Creators. It Could Be a Tough Sell.
Facebook Wants to Court Creators. It Could Be a Tough Sell. – The New York Times
12. jul. 2021 — The social network is aiming to be a destination for creators and their viral memes. But TikTok and YouTube got there first.
The social network is aiming to be a destination for creators and their viral memes. But TikTok and YouTube got there first.
York News-Times – YouTube, in particular, was used by … – Facebook
YouTube, in particular, was used by 95% of teens, making it the most popular social network, followed by TikTok. Only 32% of U.S. teens ages 13 to 17 say…
YouTube, TikTok Scored Over Facebook In Tackling Politically …
2. dec. 2022 — … the New York Times reported. Out of the 20 ads submitted by researchers containing violent content, Facebook approved 15, according to a …
La lutte contre le terrorisme : ses acquis et ses défis / …
La lutte contre le terrorisme : ses acquis et ses défis / The fight against … – Google Bøger
Ce Liber Amicorum, qui rend hommage à Gilles de Kerchove, coordinateur de l’Union européenne pour la lutte contre le terrorisme de 2007 à 2021, dresse le bilan de ce qui a été mené dans ce secteur ces dernières années et se penche également sur les défis à venir.Après une introduction retraçant le parcours du récipiendaire, la première partie se penche sur différents aspects de la coopération au sein de l’Union européenne, allant du mandat d’arrêt européen, à la protection des droits fondamentaux en passant par le rôle de certaines institutions ou agences de l’UE. La deuxième partie traite de la coopération entre l’UE et le reste du monde, qu’il s’agisse d’organisations mondiales ou de certains États en particulier, comme les États-Unis. La troisième partie, plus transversale, rassemble des contributions diverses touchant notamment à l’État islamique, au financement du terrorisme, aux victimes et aux nouvelles technologies. L’ouvrage se clôt par une quatrième partie relative à la prévention, à la lutte contre la radicalisation, aux valeurs, à la liberté de la presse et à la littérature.Les auteurs, issus de diverses parties du monde, présentent des profils très divers, parmi lesquels d’éminentes figures politiques, des fonctionnaires européens, des académiques, des magistrats et des journalistes. L’ouvrage a été coordonné par Dr. Christiane Höhn, Conseillère principale de Gilles de Kerchove, Isabel Saavedra, son Assistante personnelle et Prof. Anne Weyembergh, Professeur ordinaire à l’Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).* * *This Liber Amicorum, which pays tribute to Gilles de Kerchove, EU counter-terrorism coordinator from 2007 to 2021, takes stock of what has been achieved in this field in recent years and looks at the challenges ahead.After an introduction tracing the recipient’s background, the first part looks at different aspects of cooperation within the European Union, ranging from the European arrest warrant, to the protection of fundamental rights and the role of certain EU institutions or agencies.The second part deals with cooperation between the EU and the rest of the world, both with global organisations and with specific States, such as the United States. The third, cross-cutting part brings together various contributions relating to the Islamic State, the financing of terrorism, victims and new technologies. The book concludes with a fourth part on prevention, the fight against radicalisation, values, freedom of the press and literature.The authors come from various parts of the world and present a wide range of profiles, including prominent political figures, EU officials, academics, magistrates and journalists. The book was coordinated by Dr. Christiane Höhn, Principal Advisor to Gilles de Kerchove, Isabel Saavedra, his Personal Assistant and Prof. Anne Weyembergh, Professor at the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB).
Visual Ethics: A Guide for Photographers, Journalists, and …
Visual Ethics: A Guide for Photographers, Journalists, and Media Makers – Paul Martin Lester, Stephanie A. Martin, Martin Smith-Rodden – Google Bøger
An indispensable guide to visual ethics, this book addresses the need for critical thinking and ethical behavior among students and professionals responsible for a variety of mass media visual messages. Written for an ever-growing discipline, authors Paul Martin Lester, Stephanie A. Martin, and Martin Rodden-Smith give serious ethical consideration to the complex field of visual communication. The book covers the definitions and uses of six philosophies, analytical methods, cultural awareness, visual reporting, documentary, citizen journalists, advertising, public relations, typography, graphic design, data visualizations, cartoons, motion pictures, television, computers and the web, augmented and virtual reality, social media, the editing process, and the need for empathy. At the end of each chapter are case studies for further analysis and interviews with thoughtful practitioners in each field of study, including Steven Heller and Nigel Holmes. This second edition has also been fully revised and updated throughout to reflect on the impact of new and emerging technologies. This book is an important resource for students of photojournalism, photography, filmmaking, media and communication, and visual communication, as well as professionals working in these fields.
Social Media and Sports – Side 146 – Resultat for Google Books
Social Media and Sports – Galen Clavio – Google Bøger
Social media communications play a huge role in the day-to-day operations of sport teams and organizations. Both current and aspiring sport business professionals need to know how to best leverage social media to meet their organizational goals, and Social Media and Sports With Web Resource will help pave the way by emphasizing the strategic, creative, and logistical elements of effective social media practices. Beginning with foundational concepts, students will first examine the history of social media and its impact on sports. They will learn about the categories of content used, including written content, images, produced video, live video, audio, graphics, dynamic visuals, and responses. They will then gain a better understanding of the social media environment by learning how to think about audiences and networks, evaluating how online communities act and interact, and considering key issues that may be encountered. The final chapters of the text assemble the building blocks from previous chapters into practical application, covering brand management strategies and overall social media presence from the perspective of a member of the sports media, a representative of a team or league, or an individual athlete. A related web resource, reviewed annually to stay current with evolving trends, provides a detailed look into major social networks and their technological elements, plus best practices, tips, and tricks for utilizing a variety of social media platforms. It also examines content methodologies, including podcasting, live video, and prerecorded video, and it discusses the use of social management software. Markers throughout the text refer students to the web resource when additional related content is available. Learning aids for students include Professional Insights, sidebars containing interviews with industry insiders; these real-world examples and professional advice provide depth and context to each chapter’s content. Key Points highlight important points, end-of-chapter review questions promote practical application and ensure content comprehension, and bolded key terms are defined in an easy-to-reference glossary. Social Media and Sports offers a practical approach to understanding social media communications in the sports industry, with application extending to those working in journalism, public relations, broadcasting, advertising, and other sport business careers where knowledge of effective social media usage will maximize career potential. Note: The web resource is included with all new print books and some ebooks. For ebook formats that don’t provide access, the web resource is available separately.
American Government: Institutions and Policies
American Government: Institutions and Policies – James Q. Wilson, John J. DiIulio, Jr., Meena Bose, Matthew S. Levendusky – Google Bøger
Packed with current examples and practical insight, Wilson/Dilulio/Bose/Levendusky’s AMERICAN GOVERNMENT: INSTITUTIONS AND POLICIES, 17th Edition, gives you a clear understanding of the U.S. government — and your role in it. Highlighting emerging issues in American politics, the authors focus on the importance of governmental institutions, the historical development of governmental procedures and policies, as well as who governs in the U.S. and to what ends. New coverage includes the Trump administration, results of the 2018 and 2020 elections, the nation’s response to the COVID-19 crisis, the media’s role in promoting political polarization, climate change, the U.S. wealth gap, 21st century wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and more. The text’s pedagogically proven course of study maximizes your involvement with the material and helps bolster your comprehension.Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Keywords: facebook youtube tiktokyorktimes